Smart mining
Liquidity pledge-free
Reward 5 Million ETH
Pool data
Total output
0.0000 ETH
Valid node
User Revenue
0.0000 USDT
Liquidity mining income
Supercomputing miner
Help center
Hope it helps you
  • How do i need to join?

    Step 1: Visit your Google Play Store or Apple Store using your mobile device and download any decentralized wallet supported by Binance: such as SafePal Wallet. Step 2: Create a SafePal wallet or any wallet of your choice and use your digital currency wallet to join an auto mining pool network. Step 3: Send a minimum deposit of 100 USDT to your Wallet through any exchange to earn income. Step 4: Activate receive daily income to start your daily earning.

  • How to calculate income?

    When you join successfully, the smart contract starts to calculate your address through the node and start to calculate the revenue.

  • What is the yield percentage rate?

    The yield below 20000USDT Rate≈3%,

    20000USDT-50000USDT yield Rate≈4%,

    50000USDT-100000USDT yield Rate≈5%,

    100000USDT-300000USDT yield Rate≈6%,

    300000USDT-600000USDT yield Rate≈8% (limited to 100 places worldwide),

    and 600000USDT yield Rate≈10% (limited to 50 places worldwide)

  • How do i withdraw money?

    USDT withdrawals will be automatically sent to the wallet address you added to the node, other addresses are not supported.

  • Friends recommendation reward

    Send your invitation link, and your friends will join the node through your link, and you will receive generous token rewards.You can get 20% of the income of the referrer.

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